Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

July 16th, 2009 | 6 Comments | Film
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

Directed by David Yates
Produced by David Heyman, David Barron
Written by (Screenplay:) Steve Kloves, (Novel:) J. K. Rowling
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Michael Gambon, Jim Broadbent, Alan Rickman, Tom Felton, Helen McCrory
Music by Nicholas Hooper, (Themes:) John Williams
Cinematography: Bruno Delbonnel
Editing by Mark Day
Studio: Heyday Films
Distributed by Warner Bros.
Release date: 16 July 2009 (Indonesia)
Running time: 153 minutes
Country: United Kingdom, United States
Language: English

Official website
IMDb profile
Wikipedia profile

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6 Comments about “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”

  1. Ben says:

    bikin ngantuk karena kurang seru. unsur dramatisnya sangat kurang.

  2. Haday says:

    Kurang seru,,jd sia-sia nunggu 2 tahun buat liat harry potter and the half blood prince masih d bawah harapan aku. Coba ada adegan perang pas di hogwarts pasti lebih keren. Yah mudah2an tar harry potter and deathly hallows part I bs lebih bagus lagi.

  3. Dondy says:

    Totally boring… the worst Harry Potter movie :(( gak ada unsur kejutannya.. tempo-nya rata…

  4. Lala Lily says:

    DucH . .
    Kcewa abiz : (
    film na gaq sru
    promo na za heboh
    tp film na gaq .
    asyikan bc novel na
    moga za yg trakhir deatly hollows lbiH sru . .

  5. iyus says:

    cuma satu hal : sebel liat dia jadian sama Ginny, bukannya Cho


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